Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Learn & Play @CML Wiki

This was the hardest one for me to do because I couldn't find it! Once I found it, it is so easy and simple to use! I added my blog to the wiki and searched staff favorites, so much fun!

10 Random Things...

about me...

1. I'm terrified to drive in the snow and live in Ohio, go figure

2. I've worked at CML for almost 11 years right out of high school, never worked anywhere else!

3. This is my 9th position here in 11 years.

4. I love old movies black and white from the 30's and 40's, would rather watch those then anything new.

5. I am a chocolate addict!

6. One of my favorite things to do is sleep, I can't get enough!

7. My first time on an airplane, I was 24!

8. I love reality television.

9. I knew what I was going to name my daughter since I was 5, I decided back then told my mom and 22 years later stuck to it!

10. I am a creature of habit, if I find something I like, I'll stick with it for a long time- perfect example is going out to eat, I always get the same thing every time!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Learn & Play at a close...

To summarize my thoughts on Learn and Play- this was fantastic for this organization to go through and I am proud to have been a participant! I re-freshed on some things I already knew well- youtube, flicker, and learned some things that were completely new to me- calc, MOLDI, LibraryThing.

Also, Twitter is so fun, I am not great about posting what I'm doing, so need to improve on that, but think this has been a favorite of a lot of staff!

All in all, this program was fun, it was educational and I enjoyed taking part, thanks!

Web 2.0 Tools

Web 2.0 Tools- which one is my favorite? Well, I have to go with You Tube, I love, love, love this! I know it is easy to use, easy to access, free (best of all) and something I find entertaining.


Again- another new term I have never heard of! I have not been to MOLDI or downloaded an audio book before. I am a BIG fan of books on tape so this is great. I first had to creeate my account and add to my favorites then searched and found things I was looking for and although I didn't actually download an audio book I know now the process if I ever decide to do this in the future.


I have only searched for and viewed podcasts from itunes, but after doing a Google search see podcastalley.com a great site for searching podcasts, there are ways to narrow down your search and view by categories, sub-categories, this is great, this is going in my bookmark for sure!

I love You Tube!

I have loved using You Tube for over a year now when it was first introduced to me, there is literally everything on there, anything you want to find you can find it here. I look up old television shows from when I was a kid, interviews, concert footage, and it is so great. I went on and did a search of Columbus Metropolitan Library and was surprised to find so many hits!


This won #1 search engine in the Web 2.0 awards, something I have never heard of, but really like! I am really liking the layout and design and the way items are in categories like news, celebrities, etc. I get stuck in my old ways, and this is a new site and search engine, I bookmarked it and can't wait to begin using it!

Word Processing Tools on the Internet

This "thing" was new for me, I didn't understand at first what was meant by this, I think of word processing tools and think of Excel or Word. I did a Google search and found the website biglist ofproductivitytools.com and also a website that talks about versions of Excel, Word that are online and best of all- free!

I liked calc, an Excel knock-off that is an openoffice.org software. It looks so much like Excel and is something new I look forward to trying soon!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

OD Wiki

OD is creating a glossary of terms as part of tactic 5.2.3 Distance Learning, this will help staff learn about the different terminology. Soon to come!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Library 2.0

I was looking out on google and just did a search on library 2.0 and came across this great site that actually has 100 FREE Library 2.0 resources, artciles, pod casts, tutorials, you name it! The link is:

Of course the first thing I went to took me to tametheweb and Michael Stephens is talking about "Scary things and great opportunities" see here http://tametheweb.com/talks08/Web2.0StephensPLA.pdf


I know a lot of people who use this, today I transferred over all of my favorites from IE and added new ones, I love it, and know I will use this one. http://delicious.com/asmalley

Library Thing

I spent quite a while at library thing cataloging books, searching books, creating a profile, not sure how much/if I will keep using this but it is interesting. http://www.librarything.com/profile/angsmalley


This is addictive, I finally created my account and am already following 8 people in 5 minutes! LOL here is the link to my twitter http://twitter.com/angelasmalley my username is angelasmalley. Come follow me!

Monday, September 8, 2008

I love Flicker!

I have tried flicker before, just looked around, but never set-up an account. My last "thing" was to create a flicker account and post pictures and I love it! I take so many pictures of my daughter and like to share them with family & friends. This is a great way to share these pictures. We have family that lives out of state and let me tell you- sending pictures through email is not fun! This is much easier and FASTER! I will be using this a lot!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Here we go

I can't believe how fast and easy it was to create this blog! It only took a few minutes and presto, here we go! I am very excited to be taking part in such a great program and to test out a lot of things I have never done... blogging, flicker... just to name a few. I am going to encourage family members and friends to join in and do this with me, and my hopes are that some of this will lead to great ways to stay in touch with family and friends that live out of town. What better way to share pictures, experiences, etc.. I am going to experiment with this blog more later- the layout, font, and ways to make it unique. More to come soon!